Centro de Atendimento ao Migrante – CAM

Published: 5 Oct 2016

Website: www.recria.org.br
Telephone: 55 54 32 27 14 59
Street Address: Rua José Bresolin, 333, Desvio Rizzo - 95110-640, Caxias do Sul – RS, Brazil

CAM belongs to the AESC – Associação Educadora São Carlos. It was created in 1980 to promote and defend the human’s life and dignity, mainly those in mobility or vulnerable situation, through qualified services of social assistance. The majority of the served people are migrants families and refugees from the state border, Northeast and South of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Colombian refugees. CAM offers poverty reduce programmes and courses, by capacity building and social insertion and assistance to families, through orientation groups and socio-familiar support, as well as articulates the social network and family inclusion of migrants and refugees. CAM provides a variety of services to migrants and refugees, including support, orientation, accompanying, integration in order to face situations of vulnerability and social risk and address the needs and social rights of them. They have partnerships with Associação Antonio Vieira, UNHCR and Instituto Migraҫões e Direitos Humanos (IMDH).
