UNHCR Country Offices

Do you have difficulties in finding or contacting UNHCR offices in your country? Fahamu Refugee Programme has received an updated list of UNHCR Country Offices in May 2013. We would like to thank UNHCR for its cooperation in this matter.

Having previously refrained from publishing street addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of country offices online the UNHCR now publishes details of most of their regional offices. These are available here.

Regional offices for countries are available from the drop down menu. Those countries without details published have a form available for email contact only. The choice of whether to publish details does not follow any obvious rule. Non-signatories to the 1951 Convention, including Saudi Arabia, publish details whereas countries such as South Africa – a signatory and important refugee host – does not. India, another large democracy with a high refugee intake, and conversely a non-signatory, also does not publish details of address or phone number.

Where available use the details posted on the UNHCR website as they are more likely to be up to date. Please report problems following ‘Contact Us’.

Pro Bono Legal Organisations

Our list of pro bono legal assistance providers is a directory of organizations, lawyers, and others who are able to assist refugees free-of-charge in legal matters and help secure refugee rights. This list may also be of use to legal providers assembling and arguing cases elsewhere in the world for information on country of origin, case development, and other help.