Barbara Harrell-Bond: Appeal for Expert Witnesses on FGM

Published: 1 Jul 2016

We are looking for anthropologists and other academics with expert knowledge about FGM who could write (or learn how to write) witness statements for refugee claims based on fear of FGM. We would very much appreciate it if you could recommend FGM experts who have done specialized research and published on FGM in countries of Africa, parts of Asia, and the Middle East where it is practiced.

Country of Origin Information experts on FGM act as an information source to provide ‘objective’ information on the conditions that led a refugee to flee his/her country.  It is increasingly difficult to win a refugee case without an ‘expert’ comment on the plausibility of a case in the light of conditions in the particular country of origin.

Where refugee cases are handled by states that pay for legal aid or by law firms that pay expenses, the expert will be asked to set their fee. However, most legal aid clinics and NGOs around the world have an incredibly difficult time with funding and often cannot afford to pay experts to assist with a case. In such situations, we would be grateful if a potential expert were willing to provide their expertise pro bono.

Our aim is to list at least one expert for all countries practising practising FGM/C. This will allow asylum seekers or their representatives to contact an expert to seek assistance in verifying country information or constructing a country conditions declaration concerning FGM. If contacted, it is the experts’ right to review the case and say it is not within their realm of expertise, or for whatever reason they are unable to take it on.

Ideally, an expert will have lived in an FGM-practising country and have done primary research on FGM there. It is not necessary to be familiar with writing witness statements. Rights In Exile can provide the appropriate training and assistance.

Please contact our intern Maja Grundler or Barbara Harrell-Bond if you would are able to list yourself as an expert or know someone who may be interested.

Thank you very much!
