Call to demand accountability for police violence against refugees, and boycott referendum on refugee quota system in Hungary

Published: 1 Sep 2016

Dear Friends,

First of all MigSzol call to action! In the last weeks more and more reports about serious violence at the Southern borders of Hungary have been spread (e.g. the UNHCR and Human Rights Watch reports). We, among many people in Hungary, are shocked and thinking of how to do something to stop the violence happening at the borders.

Even if it is only a small gesture, now there is something we can personally do: email the police and demand them to take those uncountable cases seriously and start investigate about the violent actions against asylum-seekers at the borders.

Please check out the link for further information, and instructions.

And on 2 October Hungary will have a referendum about the quota system. The Hungarian people will be asked to vote on the following question: Do you want to allow the European Union to mandate the resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens to Hungary without the approval of the Parliament?

We stand up for a boycott of the referendum, as a first step of our campaign we are going to publish some blog posts to explain our stand.

This is the first blog post.

The next one will come in a couple of days, please check out our Facebook or our webpage to follow this campaign!

Thank you for all the support! Solidarity!

