Well-Founded Fear and Practicing Asylum Law
Published: 11 Oct 2016
Description: Well-Founded Fear and Practicing Asylum Law provide excellent training and we strongly recommend that they be used to train legal aid providers, interpreters, and judges as well as for raising awareness of the plight of asylum seekers. We ask anyone not from an NGO in the South or lacking the funding to do so, should go to their web site http://www.epidavros.org/ss/products and purchase the films. As they put it: ‘Yes, we are still selling all three on our web site, but we’d love to help. Is there some way for you to filter for decidedly first world down loaders? Would hate to see too many American Universities downloading for free – they can afford a little support for filmmakers! By the way, our post Well-Founded Fear project, an endless one, is here: Twelve Stories: How Democracy Works Now | Home.’
Video: Well founded fear 01
Link: https://vimeo.com/46476690
Video: Well founded fear 02
Link: https://vimeo.com/46242686
Video: Well founded fear 03
Link: https://vimeo.com/44549743
Video: Practicing Refugee law
Link: https://vimeo.com/44239030