Centre for Refugee Research, University of New South Wales
Published: 5 Oct 2016
Country: Australia
State/Province: New South Wales
Website: www.crr.unsw.edu.au/
Contact Person: Linda Bartolomei
Dr. Caroline Lenette
Telephone: +61 (02) 29 38 51 961
Fax: +61 (02) 96 62 89 91
Street Address: C-20 Morven Brown Building, Room G64, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
The Centre was established in 1999. It is an interdisciplinary research and advocacy organisation, hosted by the School of Social Sciences and International Studies within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of New South Wales. The Centre for Refugee Research conducts research in national and international forced migration policy and practice, and bases its advocacy work on sound academic research. The Centre also provides a range of education programs to community members and service providers within Australia through summer schools and on request. It plays a key role in the UNSW School of Social Sciences and International Studies, attracting PhD, Research Masters and Honours students, as well as providing undergraduate Social Work placements, contributing extensively to the Masters in Social Development (MSD) program, and informing courses in the MSD and the Bachelor of Social Work. CRR also runs an Internship Program that provides opportunities for enrolled students to participate in international research and advocacy projects and contributes significantly to the work of the Centre. The Centre for Refugee Research is a member of the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network.