SAP/GL (Solidarité d’Action pour la Paix / Grands Lacs) (French speaking)
Published: 6 Oct 2016
Country: Burundi
Telephone: +79 944 770
+257 22277496
Street Address: Commune Kinindo, Avenue Mumirwa N° 53, PO Box: 1755 Bujumbura
SAP/GL is a non-profit organisation that advocates against torture, helps torture survivors and combat ethnic divides. They identify refugee and returnee victims of torture, gather information on their behalf and assess their needs, provide counselling, psychosocial assistance and medical treatment in their clinic in Bujumbura. They also assist in vocational or technical training and basic micro business skill training (income generating activities). SAP/GL has a personnel constituency of 36 volunteer workers and compensated staff including lawyer, social workers, nurses, psychologists and a physician/doctor.