The Global Refugee Compact: Considering Urban Refugees

Published: 13 Feb 2019

One of the slums in Kibuye, Kampala where urban refugees live. Picture extracted from video by scidevnet Contrary to public perception, the majority of refugees live in cities and towns rather than camps. In these urban spaces, some send their children to school, generate livelihoods and successfully negotiate their own way through exile. Others barely…

35 African civil society organisations call for strong AU response to popular uprising in Sudan

Published: 6 Feb 2019

6 February 2019 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Excellencies, Representatives of the AU Peace and Security Council Member States, H.E. Chairperson Mr. Moussa Faki, African Union Commission, Your Excellencies, We, the undersigned African civil society organisations, write with deep concern about the deterioration of the situation in Sudan. The combination of long term repression and economic mismanagement…

IRRI Rights in Exile Newsletter – February 2019

Published: 4 Feb 2019

Issue 99, February 2019 ISSN 2049-2650 Editorial Team: Catherine Tyson, Nejla Sammakia, Kavita Kapur, Christian Jorgensen, Cristina de Nicolas, Nicolas Parent, Taylor Brooks, Olivia Bueno, Sirak Akalu Iyassu and Lucia Slot Chief Editor: Fiona McKinnon Web links are in blue. In this issue: Attention! UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award Committee: Consider Barbara Harrell-Bond for the Nansen Refugee…