Civil society calls for strong AU support for civilian transition in Sudan

Published: 30 Apr 2019

29 April 2019 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Excellencies, Representatives of the AU Peace and Security Council Member States, H.E. Chairperson Mr. Moussa Faki, African Union Commission, Your Excellencies, We, the undersigned Sudanese and African civil society organizations write to urge the African Union to take a strong stand with the people of Sudan, demanding an expeditious…

Expliquer la violence à Yumbi

Published: 24 Apr 2019

En décembre 2018, deux semaines seulement avant les élections nationales, des centaines de personnes ont été tuées lors d’un massacre en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Les scènes sinistres ne se sont pas déroulées à l’Est, où la violence armée a causé la mort de nombreuses victimes depuis des décennies. Cette fois-ci, l’horreur s’est perpétrée…

Explaining the violence in Yumbi

Published: 24 Apr 2019

In December 2018, only two weeks before national elections, hundreds of people were killed in a massacre in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This time, the grim scenes did not play out in the east, where armed violence has marked people’s lives for decades, but in western Congo, 300 km northeast of the capital…

Statement of Support by Civil Society for Eliminating Statelessness in the Great Lakes Region

Published: 18 Apr 2019

Statement to the Ministerial Conference on the Eradication of Statelessness in the Great Lakes Region, 16-18 April 2019 (18 April 2019 Nairobi, Kenya) Your Excellencies, Honourable Ministers and Principle Secretaries, Ambassadors and Plenipotentiaries, Head of Division for Humanitarian Affairs of the African Union Commission, Director of the Africa Bureau of the UNHCR, Special Envoy for the…

African and Sudanese civil society calls for strong AU PSC response to coup in Sudan

Published: 15 Apr 2019

(12 April 2019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) We, the undersigned Sudanese and African civil society organizations write with deep concern about the military takeover in Sudan on 11 April 2019. The recent announcement of a military transitional council headed by Awad ibn Auf, the former vice president and minister of defense under Bashir’s regime, however, represents an…