IRRI Rights in Exile Newsletter – June 2018

Published: 1 Jun 2018

Issue 93, June 2018

ISSN 2049-2650

Editorial Team: Catherine Tyson, Natsumi Paxton, Nejla Sammakia, Mohamed ElSayeh, Kavita Kapur, Joshua Lowe, Christian Jorgensen, Cristina de Nicolas, Nicolas Parent, and Taylor Brooks.

Chief Editor: Themba Lewis

Web links are in blue.


In this issue:


News on Countries of Origin

News on Countries of Asylum

Detention and Deportation News

Short Pieces

ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights calls for urgent action from ASEAN members on the refugee crises in Rakhine State

Refugees International dismayed by U.S. Decision to end temporary protected status for Honduras

Report on illegal immigration and violations of the rights of Asylum Seekers in Sudan

Afghanistan remains unsuitable and unsafe for returning refugees

Kenya: Leading the way on FGM

High Court remedy for woman embroiled in disputed citizenship claim

Joint Statement on the growing problem of homelessness among asylum-seekers in Cyprus

Effects of new Bosnian route being felt in Slovenia

Leaving Libya by boat: What happens after interception?

Ireland: New list of safe countries of origin adopted

Continuing conflicts that create refugees

Case Notes

Statement on US DOJ’s decision to halt Legal Orientation Program

France: Bill could undermine Asylum-Seekers’ rights

European Court of Human Rights: Ljatifi v. FYROM

European Court of Human Rights: Case against Italy will raise issue of cooperation with Libyan Coast Guard

Netherlands: District Court of The Hague rules on obligation to provide reasons when Article 17 of the Dublin III Regulation is invoked

UK Court of Appeal: cessation decision is independent of an assessment of a risk of violation of Article 3 ECHR

Germany: Administrative Court of Dusseldorf quashes transfer of Syrian family to Romania

United States:  Matter of L-M-P, 27 I&N Dec. 265 (BIA 2018)

United States: Advocates challenge Attorney General’s unilateral review of asylum precedent for domestic violence survivors

Opinion and Editorial

Sexual orientation, gender identity and asylum in the UK: Is “discretion” ever a choice?

The European Union is responsible for the refugee crisis

Assorted other editorial and opinion pieces

Letters to the editors

Refugee and host community youth showcase acquired film making skills

Video messages for 3rd South-South Institute on Sexual Violence against Men and Boys



Conferences, courses, and workshops

Calls for papers




Programmes: Rights in Exile
Regions: North and Horn of Africa, Other
Type: Refugee Rights News