Opportunities! Volunteer editors for Rights in Exile newsletter

Published: 29 Oct 2019


Be a part of our editorial team!

The Rights in Exile Newsletter (formerly the Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter) is a free public resource for legal assistance providers, refugees, and others interested in refugee legal assistance. The newsletter is a monthly digital publication updating aspects of refugee legal aid so that legal aid providers can stay current on the issues. With a focus on major geographical areas in the global South (Asia, Africa, Latin America, and non-EU Europe), it highlights issues and major events relevant to legal aid providers all over the world, clarifies developments in the interpretation of refugee law, and presents cases that might serve as precedent from other constituencies. The newsletter also supplies helpful reports and resources for refugee legal aid NGOs and provides articles that bring forth accounts of struggles and of success in the field.

We are now looking for volunteer editors to join our team.

If you would like to be considered, please send a statement of interest and your CV to refugeenewseditor@gmail.com. Deadline: November 30, 2019. APPLY NOW!

Programmes: Rights in Exile
Type: Refugee Rights News