Two People Can’t Share the Same Pair of Shoes: Citizenship, Land and the Return of Refugees to Burundi

Published: 10 Nov 2009


The International Refugee Rights Initiative, in partnership with Rema Ministries and the Social Science Research Council, released a new paper,”Two People Can’t Share the Same Pair of Shoes: Citizenship, Land and the Return of Refugees to Burundi.”

The paper, the second in the series Citizenship and Displacement in the Great Lakes region, tracks the experience of refugees returning to southern Burundi after decades in exile. Based on 245 interviews conducted primarily in southern Burundi, the paper highlights the importance of access to land in the reintegration process.

The first paper “Going Home or Staying Home? Ending Displacement for Burundian Refugees in Tanzania” in this series may be found here.

Read the paper in French.

Programmes: Causes of Displacement, Statelessness, Citizenship and Right to a Nationality, Resolving Displacement, Mass Atrocity Prevention
Regions: Great Lakes Region, Burundi
Type: Library, Paper