Published: 28 Jul 2008
International Justice in Africa: Prospects and Challenges
Published: 17 Jul 2008
Over the last year the International Refugee Rights Initiative, with the generous project and technical assistance of the Open Society Justice Initiative, has been consulting regional experts to conduct a review of the experience of international justice in Africa. The first reflections from this project were presented at the workshop held in Kampala on 17…
Chui Arrest a Milestone in the Fight Against Impunity in DRC
Published: 1 Jun 2008
On February 6, 2008, Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui became the third war crimes suspect to be transferred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague. His arrest marks another milestone in ongoing efforts to address the impunity which facilitated the widespread commission of atrocities during the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Since 1998, the…
The Inter-Relationship Between Violence, Displacement and the Transition to Stability in the Great Lakes Region
Published: 7 May 2008
Concept paper presented by Lucy Hovil at the Violence and Transition Project Roundtable in Johannesburg, South Africa.
By the Grace of God: Insecurity and Empowerment in a West African Refugee Camp
Published: 15 May 2007
Perspectives on Refoulement in Africa
Published: 17 Jun 2006
Citizenship and forced migration in the Great Lakes Region
Published: 6 Apr 2005
Report of a Consultation on the Feasibility of a Collaborative Network-Building Project Linking Research with Program and Policy Development, co-hosted by The Social Science Research Council and The International Refugee Rights Initiative in Kampala, Uganda. Download full report here